Additional Rules for Longshot Solution

Each vehicle

Demonstrate that they meet the size limitations.

Demonstrating with the vehicles, provide a brief explanation of how each of them functions. This must appear after your performance on the video.

Because teams may be performing remotely, and this problem requires specific timing of events, family members may assist in releasing the vehicles without being considered Outside Assistance. They may not add to the solution in any other way. (April 14, 2020)

The obstacles

Show that one is at least ½” in height.Show the other obstacle to be scored.

The site

Show there is 5′ from the Start Areas to the Reaction Area.

Show that the Reaction area is 3′ square.

Solution Explanations and Style (to appear after your performance on the video)

  1. Show which characters do not take the Longshots seriously.
  2. Show the Longshot character’s costume for Style Category  F1. You may include a description of how the costume was made and what materials were used.
  3. Show the vehicle being scored for Style Category F2. You may include a brief description of the materials used and how it added to the Style or theme of the performance.
  4. The Free Choice Style Categories in F3 and F4. You may include a brief description of how the idea originated.
  5. Other information your team wishes to provide the judges.

Reminder: The entire video cannot exceed 15 minutes. The non-performance components may be edited, zoomed, etc., to better show your work.

To allow for a detailed look at how the vehicles are designed, built and operated, a second video is highly encouraged. For this reason, a second video is allowed for Problem 1 at no additional cost.